Matching Fund Program
Branches/Districts are encouraged to conduct charitable projects in their local communities. The LPSCU Home Office will match these projects on a $1.00 for $1.00 basis. The MAXIMUM amount, on a Member matching funds level, shall be limited to no more than $25.00 twice in a calendar year. The Maximum amount, on a Branch matching funds level, shall be limited to no more than $100.00 four times in a calendar year. The Maximum amount, on a District matching funds level, shall be limited to no more than $200.00 four times in a calendar year.
Part I
Our (Name of Member/Branch/District) will be conducting a project to raise funds for the benefit of (Name of not-for-profit organization) located (Full address of organization –street, city, state, zip). Our project (Brief description of project) will begin on (Beginning Date) and end on (Ending Date). We anticipate raising $(Anticipated funds to be raised) which will be matched by the LPSCU on the basis outlined in the Matching Fund Guidelines. We agree to abide by the Guidelines relative to LPSCU Matching Funds Program in order to qualify for this grant.
Part II
Our (Name of Member/Branch/District) has concluded its fund raising project for the benefit of (Name of not-for-profit organization) located at (Full address of organization –street, city, state, zip). A presentation will be made to (Charitable Organization Officer) on (Date of Presentation) by Member/Branch/District Officers presenting $(Monies Raised) representing monies raised.